Saturday 19 September 2015



Image result for images of a job seeker in a waiting room  
A lot of individuals who are hoping to get the job of their dream often time become inert to other needful things. All they do is concentrate and channel all their energies into submitting their CVs and attending job interviews. It is possible to to reduce the chance of staying in this state of 'dreaming' for the dream job for a  long time by being awake to some to do list. 
Please find a few suggestions below:

    1. Live, don’t just Survive the Waiting Days

Image result for images of a someone living life
Do not just feel complacent in your current state. And this is not to say live a reckless or care free life. What this implies is that you should engage yourself in positive activities, be expectant, seize every opportunity to make yourself happy. Try to be vast and in tune with events and happenings. You can also keep update yourself with information about the field or career you are dreaming of.  The most way to do this is by reading. Read books, journals, novels, articles, etc.  I have been on several panel where I am inundated by the poor reading culture of the average 21st Century Job Seeker. A large percentage of individuals have ‘Reading’ written as our hobbies. So you get to a panel and are asked to talk about a book you read recently then you start stuttering. You not only surprise the Panelist, but also yourself because it is also just dawning on you that you have not successfully completed a book in months.

2.    Take Courses/Classes 

Image result for images of a someone in a classI spoke to someone who just got a big Career leap he had been dreaming of today. Part of what I learnt from him  is that while on his previous job, he took a Professional course in the field of his dream job.  It is in this same 'dream' career he now got managerial role for, 3 years after.  The point of this is that studying or the studies you do are seeds being sowed into your career and even self-development. It may germinate immediately, or need some time to gain root and then beautifully bud later. It is not impossible that a reader will be thinking now that how do I afford to start spending money
taking courses when the main reason I am waiting is to also financially stabilize myself. If you have the money, please take courses. Also, it is with so much joy I embraced the news that there are a couple of platforms where one can take free online courses. These courses span across various fields, You can even get certificates. What interests me the most is that these platforms have easy to download apps that can be used/accessed from mobile devices/phones. Some of these sites are listed below:

i.                    Coursera
ii.                  EdX
iii.                Online College Courses & Classes
iv.                Stanford Online Courses
v.                  Open Learn                                                  

     3. Be Positively Active on Social  Media 

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This does not mean you will drop your phone number for adverts of ‘Sugar Mummies/Daddies’ as is replete on Facebook now. Do constructive posts or update. The first thing I do when I get request on LinkedIn, after viewing the Individual’s Profile, is to check for updates and post. Your words speaks for you; on Social Media, your words are the post you make or publish. This will either propel or repel one from accepting your request. Being constructively active will also open you to opportunities of getting that desired career change. I got wind of information that some employers run checks on candidates on Social Media to have an insight on their personality. 

   4. Learn a Trade/Vocation/Skill

Bead making, bag making, hair styling, cloth making, baking, shoe making, cloth making, dry cleaning, electrical repairs, etc are some of the skills that can be acquired. Once on a Panel, a lady caught the attention of all the Panelist by saying  she learnt bag making while waiting to get a job. She went the extra mile of showing a sample of the bag. Of course she was recommended for the role she was interviewed for as this was able to reflect her personality as one who takes initiative  and is committed to Self Development, one who is not slothful. These skills will on the long run be useful for you and people around you. They can also be converted into a means of livelihood that may create jobs for other people.

    5. Learn Etiquettes

Image result for image on etiquetteE-mail, social, business, telephone  have unique etiquette. Etiquette simply implies presenting yourself with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously.  The word 'etiquette' is derived from French. It actually means a 'ticket', your ticket to getting anything and any place you want. It is a body of good behavior that defines and can also mark you out- sitting, speaking, walking, dressing, mannerism. In summary, Etiquette is your attitude and approach to various aspects of life.All of this is will be useful knowledge to help you not just in getting the job but also to survive and stand out on the job and in life generally.

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to drop other useful 'To-Do Things" in the comment field.

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